The Weekend Gamer
Thoughts on gaming culture, living among non-gamers, and growing up in the nintendo generation

The Weekend Wrapup (November 16th-18th)

It’s Monday again, but at least it’s a short week, right?  How did your weekend go? 

I spent almost all of my time on Assassin’s Creed.  I just can’t get enough of that game.  I had fun trying to explain the story within a story to my friends when they came over last night. 

I also spent some time playing Halo 3 on Friday night with some friends, and CoD 4 with our very own Kiras yesterday afternoon, although CoD 4 was a little bit frustrating, as I hadn’t played in over a week and was really rusty.  We kept getting matched up with rank 40-50 folks while we are in the teens.  Something is wrong there, but maybe the upcoming patch will fix it.

 Finally, I played some Mario Party 8 with some friends last night (always good for a casual night on the couch).  It got pretty competitive, and in the end my friend Dave (the same one who’s been playing Super Mario Galaxy with me) won for the first time ever.  Grats Dave!

So how about you?  Did you play the games you wanted to, or did you get sidetracked?


6 Responses to “The Weekend Wrapup (November 16th-18th)”

  1. I didn’t get to play too much this weekend 😦 I caught myself back up to where I was in HL2 and spent an entire night trying to get TF2 working to no avail. Sorry Gray Council, I didn’t even get a chance to look at LotRO this weekend 😦

    Well, Assassin’s Creed sounds awesome, suppose I’ll pick it up if they ever end up releasing for PC in 2008.

  2. Just looked .. you are 3rd on Google results for weekend gamer …

    Good Job!

  3. It was my second time winning, thank you very much.

  4. I think my wife is going to get me a Wii for Christmas – I’m thinking I’ll pick up Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3. Hopefully she’ll find one in stock!

  5. After a really, really, REALLY rough week at work, I took friday off and numbed myself infront of WoW. I then kinda got stuck, and sunday morning saw me babbling incoherantly about how much I hate PvP and everything it stands for, until I called a friend to come over and unplug my computer so I could stop playing.

    Kind of an out of body experience. I haven’t fixated like that for a while and it was a little scary. Obviously, it was a demonstration of the depth of my need for a 360 and a copy of Assassin’s Creed. Obviously.

  6. Hey boy, you should call me or text message me if you’re gonna play some cod4 or halo, i’m usually around.

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